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Fashion slave bracelet Jewellery Wholesale Prices FOB YiWu, ZheJiang China

Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape red rhinestones embedded and multi silvery star decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape red rhinestones embedded and multi silvery star decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape red rhinestones embedded and multi silvery star decor

Length: 7.9" long plus 2" extension


Fashion slave bracelet with multi oval and triangular shape turquoise / coral imitation beads embedded and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi oval and triangular shape turquoise / coral imitation beads embedded and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi oval shape black, imitation turquoise or coral beads embedded and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi oval shape black, imitation turquoise or coral beads embedded and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi assorted shape turquoise / coral imitation beads embedded and silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor paired with daisy flower design ring
Fashion slave bracelet with multi assorted shape turquoise / coral imitation beads embedded and silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor paired with daisy flower design ring
Fashion slave bracelet with multi assorted shape turquoise / coral imitation beads embedded and silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor paired with daisy flower design ring
Fashion slave bracelet with pearl-shaped black or imitation turquoise beads embedded and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with pearl-shaped black or imitation turquoise beads embedded and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with black or imitation turquoise beads in question mark design and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with imitation turquoise / coral beads in star design and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with imitation turquoise beads embedded in cut-out flower shape and silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi oval and triangular shape turquoise / coral imitation beads embedded and multi silvery wrist-watch88er-drop pattern decor. Assorted color randomly pick


Fashion slave plated bangle bracelet-ring in double bands design with butterfly pattern decor at center
Fashion slave plated bangle bracelet-ring in double bands design with butterfly pattern decor at center
Sea life jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in double band design with double dolphin holding a clear cz stone at center
Animal jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with a cz butterfly at center
Fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with a skull decor at center
Fashion slave plated bangle bracelet-ring in double bands design with assorted pattern decor at center


Fashion jewelry slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with black cz spider pattern decor at center
Fashion jewelry slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with black cz spider pattern decor at center
Jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with a dragonfly pattern decor at center
Fashion jewelry slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with giant spider pattern decor at center
Jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with a baseball glove holding a clear cz stone decor at center
Fashion jewelry slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with assorted pattern decor at center


Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set

Jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with a fish bone decor at center
Jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with a cz slipper pattern decor at center
Fashion sea life jewelry slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with double dolphin pattern decor at center
Jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with moon / star pattern decor at center
Jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with a fish bone decor at center
Jewelry fashion slave bangle bracelet-ring in carved-out double band design with assorted decor at center


Fashion slave bangle-ring with black rounded rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with black rounded rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with rounded light green rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with rounded light green rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with star shape rhinestones embedded and multi silvery sward decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with star shape rhinestones embedded and multi silvery sward decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with multi color star shape rhinestones embedded and silvery apple decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with rounded imitation coral beads embedded and silvery moon, star, or fish bone decor dangling
Fashion slave bangle-ring with black rounded rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon decor dangling

Length: 7.9" long plus 2" extension


Fashion slave bracelet-ring with diamond shape light green rhinestones embedded and silvery star, leaf or heart decor
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with diamond shape light green rhinestones embedded and silvery star, leaf or heart decor
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with diamond shape light green rhinestones embedded and silvery star, leaf or heart decor
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with diamond shape light green rhinestones embedded and silvery star, leaf or heart decor, randomly pick by warehouse staffs

Length: 7.9" long plus 2" extension


Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with assorted color rhinestones embedded and multi silvery leaf, star, flower or key decor dangling
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with assorted color rhinestones embedded and multi silvery leaf, star, flower or key decor dangling
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with assorted color rhinestones embedded and multi silvery leaf, star, flower or key decor danglingFashion slave bracelet-ring with assorted color rhinestones embedded and multi silvery leaf, star, flower or key decor dangling

Fashion slave bracelet-ring with assorted color rhinestones embedded and multi silvery leaf, star, flower or key decor dangling
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with assorted color rhinestones embedded and multi silvery leaf, star, flower or key decor dangling. Randomly pick

Length: 7.9" long plus 2" extension


Fashion slave bracelet-ring with rounded pink rhinestones embedded and multi silvery fish bone, star or apple decor dangling
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with rounded pink rhinestones embedded and multi silvery fish bone, star or apple decor dangling
Fashion slave bracelet-ring with rounded pink rhinestones embedded and multi silvery fish bone, star or apple decor dangling, randomly pick by warehouse staffs

Length: 7.9" long plus 2" extension



Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape black rhinestones embedded and multi silvery star or bag decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape black rhinestones embedded and multi silvery star or bag decor
Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape black rhinestones embedded and multi silvery star or bag decor, randomly picked by warehouse staffs

Length: 7.9" long plus 2" extension


Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape light purple rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon or star decor dangling
Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape light purple rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon or star decor dangling
Fashion slave bracelet with multi diamond shape light purple rhinestones embedded and multi silvery moon or star decor dangling, randomly picked by warehouse staffs

Length: 7.9" long plus 2" extension


Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set

Fashion assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif a big oval shape connected with 4 mini oval shape pattern, attached by chain to the cz ring
Fashion assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif a big oval shape connected with 4 mini oval shape pattern, attached by chain to the cz ring
Assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif heart shape connected with 4 heart and circular pattern, attached by chain to the cz ring
Fashion assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif heart shape connected with 3 mini olive shape pattern, attached by chain to the cz ring
Assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif cherry shape connected with diamond shape pattern
Fashion assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif a big oval shape connected with 4 mini oval shape pattern, attached by chain to the cz ring, randomly picked by warehouse staff

Assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif triple circle pattern, attaches to the middle finger with a ring
Fashion assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif heart shape connected with flower shape pattern, attached by chain to the cz ring
Assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif 5 circle and cherry pattern design, attaches to the middle finger with a cz ring
Assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif 5 circle and cherry pattern design, attaches to the middle finger with a cz ring
Fashion assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif triple circle pattern connected with a round shape pattern, attached by chain to the cz ring
Assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif triple circle pattern, attaches to the middle finger with a ring
Assorted turquoise slave bracelet motif cut-out tear-drop pattern connected with triple circle design, attaches to the middle finger with a cz ring
Assorted cat's eye slave bracelet motif triple circle pattern, attaches to the middle finger with a cz ring, randomly picked by warehouse staff

Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set
Minimum 36 sets
USD$0.90 per set




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